We are overflowing with gratitude (and kibble!) at Pope Memorial Humane Society, thanks to the generosity of Loyal Biscuit Co. and its incredible customers. This holiday season, Loyal Biscuit Co. held its annual “Fill Their Bowls” Holiday Fundraiser to provide high-quality food for shelter pets. Our community answered the call in a big way. This week, we received thousands of pounds of food, ensuring the animals in our care will...Read More
Happy March! With a new month upon us, it’s time to celebrate the incredible adoptions at Pope Memorial Humane Society (PMHS) in February. Despite being the shortest month of the year—and with PMHS closing for a full week to complete some much-needed projects and deep cleaning—49 animals still found their forever homes! February was filled with adoption stories, from kittens to dogs, tiny hamsters and guinea pigs, and even long-term...Read More
Heads up, friends! Pope Memorial Humane Society will be closed for public visits during the week of February 17th. However, please rest assured that our dedicated staff and volunteers will be hard at work behind the scenes. Throughout the week, we’ll conduct a thorough deep clean of our facilities, gear up for kitten season, and tackle some long-awaited projects from our to-do list. While the doors will be closed to visitors for...Read More