Facts, Not Fiction, about FIV

This week’s Lost, Found and Looking column is from the desk of Events Coordinator Kasey Bielecki:

Pope Memorial Humane Society has multiple FIV+ cats available for adoption. Hesitant about adopting an FIV+ friend? Keep reading to learn more about the virus and why it’s not scary.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is often misunderstood. The virus depletes the number of white blood cells, which eventually makes a diagnosed cat less able to fight off infection. FIV is species-specific. It can only be transmitted from cat to cat, not to humans or other animals.

FIV is spread between cats by deep bite wounds. Unless an FIV+ kitty bites another cat, the virus cannot spread. FIV will never spread casually. You don’t have to worry about litter boxes, water and food bowls, or cuddling and playing.

FIV+ cats live everyday lives, both in quality and duration. They do need to be monitored for infections and dental issues. But if they’re well cared for, they will be healthy and happy pets.

Buster, Calvin, Fenneko (photo at left), Pumper (photo at top) and Pretty Girl are all looking for loving, understanding homes. They should be indoor cats to reduce exposure to secondary infections that might cause them harm.

Consider giving an FIV-positive cat a chance for a new life and a loving home. Provide the cat with good nutrition, regular vaccinations and veterinary visits. An FIV+ cat can and will bring lots of laughs, fun stories and memories to cherish for a lifetime.

It’s time to become a Pope Memorial Humane Society Member. Become a PMHS member today and give food and shelter to local homeless animals.

For a minimum donation of $35, you become a member, which comes with benefits. You get a car decal, membership card, quarterly Inside Scoop e-newsletter and exclusive first dibs on event tickets. If you give over $100, we can even send a snazzy lapel pin so you can wear your support.

All this aside, we know it is more important to know you are directly helping over 1,000 animals who need shelter in 2021. For more information or to become a member, visit popehumane.org.

Wish list: paper towels, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, small paper plates, hand soap and gift cards to local businesses.

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