Lost, Found and Looking: Blessings
From the desk of Pope Memorial Humane Society’s Volunteer Coordinator, Jacqueline Harjula.
As I was shoveling the powdery snow from the recent snowfall, it gave me an opportunity to ponder the many blessings Pope provides to our shelter animals and to the people in our community. As it says in our mission statement: “To ensure the compassionate care, treatment and placement of companion animals in transmission and enrich the lives of pets and people in our community.”
Our first blessing: We have a beautiful new facility, opened in 2016, thanks to the support and generosity of Lyman Pope Jr. and countless community members who contributed to the capital campaign. This building replaced the cramped quarters we were operating from for many years.
Our second blessing: The members of our staff, who give the animals loving care. When an animal comes through the door, it gets their undivided attention, whether it is injured, a stray, abused, abandoned, or relinquished. And that doesn’t include the multitudes of kittens that we care for and find homes for during kitten seasons. How fortunate are the people in Midcoast Maine to have a shelter like ours? Not only do we serve cats and dogs, but we have found homes for guinea pigs, bunnies, gerbils, ferrets, hamsters, roosters, goats, miniature pigs, and birds.
Our third blessing: Those families who provide foster care for our shelter animals who need some extra attention until they are ready to enjoy a forever home. They open their homes to pregnant cats, and then foster the kittens until they are old enough to be adopted. They give comfort to senior cats. Animals recovering from surgery get special tender care as well.
Our fourth blessing: Our core of volunteers who regularly report for their weekly shift. I can’t find enough words to praise them. With many slots to fill, people are willing to commit to one or more shifts a week. When vacancies occur, there is no problem filling them, whether temporarily or permanently. By the time the shelter opens to the public, the animals have fresh food and water, the kennels are clean, the cat areas are clean, and the floors are sparkling. And let’s not forget our dog walkers, can and bottle redeemers, front desk assistants, trail maintainers, events assistants, and thank you note writers. Our volunteer Board Members deserve a special mention.
Our fifth blessing: You, our community members. Your support enables us to continue to succeed in our mission. You donate goods, services, and money and you open your hearts and homes to them through adoption because you love animals as much as we do. So may we continue to count our blessings-all of them.
Our Pet of the Week is Doodle. He is a shy seventh-month old lad who warms up to people slowly. Once he gets to know you, it’s a different story. He would love to curl up in your lap. To learn more about Doodle or any of the other wonderful animals up for adoption, visit www.popehumane.org or call 594-2200.
Wish list: Catnip, toilet paper, facial tissues, laundry detergent, Iams dry cat food, and gift certificates to Walmart, Staples, Tractor Supply or other local businesses.