Annual Cleanup and Cookout
The Pope Memorial Humane Society Annual Cleanup & Cookout is a go for May 21, 2022, beginning at 9 am. It’s time to prepare the grounds for Summer! Join the staff and fellow volunteers for our annual Spring cleanup day at PMHS. Painting, cleaning, gardening, trail maintenance, and more. Many hands make light work! We will start at 9 am and spend the next three hours working up an appetite. As a thank you for all your hard work, lunch is on us at noon. If you would like to bring a side dish, let us know! Plan to grab your work gloves and gardening tools. Metal rakes are particularly welcome, and come down to Pope Memorial Humane Society on Saturday, May 21! We will roll out more information as we get closer to cleanup day. In the meantime, save the date and prepare for a day of hard work and fun at PMHS!