Garff’s Story
Garff, the affectionate orange cat, came to PMHS with what we thought was a cold. When it wouldn’t go away with regular treatments, he went to visit the kitty doctor.
The news wasn’t good. Garff had polyps in his nasal passage that had to be removed for him to be healthy, breathe clearly and find and a loving home.
The surgery took place and seemed to be a success-Garff recovered, but his sniffles and snuffles soon returned. The kitty doctor said, “time for a specialist.”
We knew this would be expensive. The first surgery and related expenses were costly, but we also knew we had to do the right thing for this sweet guy.
The specialist surgeon went in through his jaw and removed deep polyps. He is now recovering in a foster home– we are so hopeful for him–he is a loving guy who will make someone a great companion.
Garff’s surgeries and related expenses are now $2,103.63. If you can help him, it would be greatly appreciated, as donations are down over 45% from last year. Gifts can be made online at www.PopeHumane.org in honor of Garff, or by check (write his name on the memo line) to PMHS, PO Box 1294, Rockland ME 04841. It is only because of this community’s amazing support that we can go the extra mile for suffering animals. We are truly grateful to you for making this possible.