Interview With a Foster Home
What made you want to foster with Pope Memorial Humane Society?
My love for all things kitty! Seriously though, it was springtime a few years back I was talking to someone from the shelter, and they had said they were overrun by kittens and that foster homes were needed. She explained that fosters played a huge role for the shelter in keeping kittens healthy and socialized and if the healthier kittens were placed in homes, it freed up time and space for the staff to concentrate on the littles that came in needing a bit more care. The thought of having cute little kittens running around to play with and care for was a no-brainer for me and I instantly said that I would help!
What is your favorite part about fostering?
I would probably have to say the challenge. You never really know what you’re going to get when you bring home your new fosters. The shelter staff does a great job at telling you what they have seen for behaviors in the kittens but sometimes the kittens get moved to foster homes as quickly as they come in so you just never know how they are going to mesh with your home. I have had kittens come in with a huge amount of confidence and settle into my household immediately. And then I have had kittens that were not used to being around people that took quite a bit of time, love, and patience to earn their trust. Each litter, each kitten brings something new, and I love earning their trust and building that bond no matter how long it takes.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about fostering?
Do it!! It is by far one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Providing a place for an animal to grow and build confidence is one of the easiest ways to give back to your community and it makes your heart feel good!
What does PMHS do to help you be a successful foster home?
The staff at PMHS are wonderful! They provide you with literally everything you will need to foster. From food to litter, toys to meds (occasionally you get a goopy eye or two that needs an antibiotic cream) they are there. The best thing they provide is advice and support. If you call with questions or concerns, they answer you with respect and professionalism.
Tell us a fun story from your foster home!
Last summer I named two of my upstairs bedrooms ‘Kitten Suite 1’ and ‘Kitten Suite 2’ The shelter was in full-blown kitten season, and I had a litter that was not quite ready to leave for their forever homes living in one bedroom and got a call asking if I would take on an expectant mother that was looking like she was ready to deliver. I have always wanted to have a pregnant momma so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I brought her home, set her up with all the comforts a pregnant momma needed, and I waited. The next morning, no babies. This went on for 2 weeks! We joked that she had such a comfy lifestyle she was going to hold to being pregnant as long as she could to keep the royal treatment coming. Just to add a bit more to my plate at the time, I also took in an itty bitty that needed round-the-clock care as he came in at a day old with no momma. So, in ‘Kitten Suite 1’ I had 3 babies and their momma, ‘Kitten Suite 2’ I had a pregnant momma and, in my bedroom, I had an ‘I need feeding every 2 hours’ itty bitty. Pregnant momma finally delivered 5 beautiful healthy babies and took on nursing and caring for my sweet little itty bitty. I had 11 fosters at once and I loved every minute of it. Running from room to room making sure they were all fed, clean, and healthy was a challenge I accepted and succeeded at. I will say that taking on this many fosters was not something the shelter put on me. I was never pressured to keep on taking in kittens. They know that I have the support at home to manage that many babies and know I am always up for a challenge!!
If you are interested in fostering, please fill out the online foster application.