Kittens! Kittens as far as the eye can see!
How is your day going? Could you use a break? Why not sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, curl up with your pets, and watch this peaceful kitten cam video? No music, no speaking, just kittens roaming around the community room of Pope Memorial Humane Society. Don’t mind the mess; it’s been a bit crazy at the shelter!
If you’re interested in adopting a kitten, make sure you fill out the online adoption application. Have you already filled out an adoption application? Give Pope Memorial Humane Society a call at 207-594-2200 to check the status of your app, you might be told to come on down and pick out a kitten!
*A reminder that adoption fees include testing, spay/neuter, rabies shots, age-appropriate vaccinations, and a microchip.