Lost, Found, and Looking
Fostering a cat with medical needs can fit into your daily routine
From the desk of Pope Memorial Humane Society’s Foster Coordinator, Sally Perkins.
Some of the shelter’s most vulnerable residents benefit tremendously from foster care, which provides them with time outside of the shelter for recovery from an illness or injury, or to receive extra attention and socialization.
We have diabetic cats, like Trooper and Barack, that need special food, some that need meds mixed into their food, and some that need to have their blood glucose monitored. Being in a home outside of the shelter environment can be very helpful in managing blood sugar.
When you offer a special needs cat a foster home, you give them a chance they might not otherwise get.
You can look at a cat with a medical condition and see how, even though they’re in pain or restricted in some way, they still find ways to enjoy life. They purr, snuggle, and play with toys. Special needs cats form friendships and generally enjoy themselves if their needs are met.
When life gets hard, or we’re faced with our own physical or mental disabilities, a special needs cat can be a powerful influence. Not only do cats provide invaluable companionship and love, but they can also inspire us to keep going and focus on the positive. Letting a special needs cat into your home can change your life as well as theirs.
All fosters are provided with everything needed, including food, litter, bedding, and meds if needed. Visit popehumane.org to learn more.
Give Pope Memorial Humane Society a call at 594-2200, and let’s get a special needs cat a foster home! PMHS is open Monday through Saturday, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Wish list: Wet pate-style cat and kitten food, 33-gallon trash bags, dry kitten food, bleach, and gift cards to Walmart, Staples, and other local businesses to purchase supplies for the shelter. Thank you.