Lost, Found and Looking: A kitty can bring coziness to your holidays
From the desk of Development Director at Pope Memorial Humane Society Chrys deLorimier:
Cuddles came to the shelter when she lost her home. Luckily there was a safe, warm place for her so she would not be out in the cold with winter coming. This four-year-old girl has beautiful tabby fur and a wonderful temperament. She is particularly fond of chin scratches. She is used to being indoor/outdoor and is good with kids and dogs. She would bring lots of wonderful kitty-ness to any home this season.
This has been a hard year for many people losing jobs, and people and animals alike losing their homes. I am heartened to see our community come together when one of us needs help. When it comes to pets, I am so glad there is a shelter for them, and the only reason it exists is donors. PMHS gets no funding from national groups and about 80% of funding comes from you.
There are so many ways to help: from financial gifts, volunteering/fostering or giving food or other supplies. If you would like to send a donation, our mailing address is P.O. Box 1294, Rockland ME 04841.
If you prefer to give online, visit PopeHumane.org to do so securely. Every penny goes to support saving animal lives and making new families through adoption. I hope you consider a gift today.
The Angel Tree drive is almost over; check out our Facebook page to pick a cutie who is hoping for something special this Christmas.
The shelter is open by appointment. If interested in adopting, fill out an application HERE before calling 594-2200 to set up an time.
Supplies can be left at the front door. Top needs are wet cat food (non-seafood pate preferred), toilet paper and cleaning wipes. We always need 33-gallon trash bags also.
This season in this year particularly, I want all to know how deeply grateful we are for all the happy stories you make possible throughout the year. Happy Holidays from all of us!
Wish list: Paper towels, Temptation cat treats, hot dogs, pet friendly sidewalk salt, gift certificates to Walmart, Lowes/Home Depot, Staples and other local businesses. Thanks for your support.