Lost Found and Looking: Juice says give now to the shelter pet medical fund
From the desk of Development Director at Pope Memorial Humane Society Chrys deLorimier:
Each year, around a thousand cats, dogs and small critters come through these shelter doors. A few just need new homes, but the majority need medical care, too. Whether it is a spay or neuter, vaccines or a serious health issue, the shelter is the safety net for these guys. Bad colds, eye issues, tumors, leg injuries, we have seen it all. Last year, the vet bill was over $92,000!
We started the Sherman Medical Fund for people who want to help, named after a tiny, burned kitten. He was rescued and found his forever home because PMHS donors cared.
Juice the dog is going to be the next one helped through this fund. He is a young, mixed breed doggo who came from a local community. He needs a neuter and ear treatment to be ready to find his own loving family. He’s super wiggly and would love someone who can teach him some tricks.
Right now, all gifts to the Sherman Medical Fund will be matched at 100% — up to $10,000! If we are able to raise all this money, it will pay for surgeries, checkups, vaccination and more into April.
Would you consider making a gift to this fund? Give on Facebook, PopeHumane.org or mail a gift to PMHS, P.O. Box 1294, Rockland, ME 04841 (be sure to note Sherman Fund.) Thank you for caring for our communities’ homeless pets and making sure the safety net is there to catch all those in need.
The shelter is open by appointment. If interested in adopting, fill out an application on the website.
Out shopping? Supplies can be left at the front door. Top needs are canned cat food (non-seafood pate preferred,) paper towels, toilet paper and cleaning wipes. We always need 33-gallon trash bags also.
Thank you for your support.