Lost, Found, and Looking: The Beagles!
You’ve seen the news, read the papers, and talked to fellow animal lovers. You know all about the 4,000 beagles pulled from the mass breeding facility in Virginia. You may also know that nine shelters across the state of Maine welcomed the last 100 beagles pulled from the facility.
Pope Memorial Humane Society took in five Virginia beagles. Three males and two females. This is in addition to the five local beagles we had already taken in. Yes, that adds up to ten beagles, and at least one of the local beagles is pregnant. That’s a lot of beagles!
The Virginia five, now known as Baxter, Macintosh, Dunkin, Lupine, and Chickadee, will be ok, but it will take time. They have received their vaccinations and will be spayed/neutered soon. In the meantime, they are being socialized and given so much love. See, these pups have never known a good life. They spent their life (pre-PMHS) in cages, with little gentle human touch. They need to learn how to be a dog, everything from wearing a collar and walking nicely on a leash to playing fetch, snuggling on a couch with some snacks nearby, and learning that every day going forward will be better than the last.
Are you wondering how you can help these pups? A monetary donation to their care is the most direct way to help the beagles. All five need veterinary care, including but not limited to spaying/neutering, dental exams, cleanings, and potentially more. These procedures add up quickly. Click here to donate, or stop by Pope Memorial Humane Society Monday through Saturday between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. to donate in person. Additionally, click here to see the most up-to-date wish lists for the animals of PMHS.
Wish list: Pet Wipes, Paper Towels, mini dog treats, laundry detergent, and gift cards to local businesses to purchase supplies for the shelter.