Lost, Found, and Looking: Volunteers
From the desk of Pope Memorial Humane Society’s Volunteer Coordinator, Jacqueline Harjula. As the Volunteer Coordinator, I think it’s important people realize how much valuable work the volunteers do at the Shelter. Did you know that volunteers donated 9,455 hours of service in 2021? What are they doing to accumulate that many hours, you may ask. Here is the overview:
Volunteers in the cat area, and in the kennels, report for a regular two-hour shift once a week in the morning. Some sign up for more than one shift per week. Many dog walkers volunteer for several shifts and come in regularly to give our dogs much-needed exercise in wind, rain, snow, and sleet.
Have you noticed the nice trails through the woods used by the dog walkers? There are volunteers who maintain the trails, and spread fresh wood chips. Have you ever made a donation to the shelter and received a nice hand-written thank you note? There is a team of volunteers who write those. If you visit the shelter, there is a volunteer at the front desk who will greet you and assist you. Our front desk volunteers also help with filing and with telephone calls.
Do you know about our cans and bottles collection, including the Clynk program? The Thomaston Transfer Station generously allows us to put a cart there for the collection of redeemables. Hard-working volunteers pick them up several times a week and drop them off at Wicked Redemptions. We have green Clynk bags available here for donors to fill and drop off at Hannaford for their redemption program. This is a major fundraiser for us.
Several volunteers visit with the cats and dogs for some rest and relaxation time-conversation, reading to them and petting them. It helps to socialize the shy ones, and calm the overly energetic ones. Have you enjoyed the beautiful pet photos on our Facebook page? Our volunteer pet photographer comes in once a week to keep our photo album updated. Have you ever attended one of our special events, including: Craft Fair, cookbook sale and tasting event, clean-up day with cookout? Our volunteers help to make those events fun and successful.
So, as you can see, many hands make light work, and our wonderful volunteers help to keep our shelter functioning smoothly. Have you ever considered volunteering? If so, fill out the volunteer application. I love all my volunteers!