Thank You, Captain Wick
At this time of year, after much searching and collecting all Summer/Fall long, Captain Wick made his trip to Pope Memorial Humane Society with much-needed gifts of cat/dog food, cleaning/sanitation supplies, and more. He does so out of loving memory for his family’s mixed-breed shelter dog Samantha who gave them 14 years of loving devotion, loyalty, and fidelity.
Captain Wick’s contribution this year is a sad one filled with a heavy heart. In previous years, delivering these supplies to the shelter, his mother accompanied him in joy and happiness, eager to see and hold the kittens or pups. Tragically, Maren B. Houghton passed away within a week of last year’s delivery to the shelter.
“Her passing into God’s Kingdom leaves sorrow behind and living life to the fullest in loving service to others; this, of course, means caring for God’s creatures, great and small, who provide companionship, service, care, and support to so many of us humans. Where would we be without their warm, wiggly, furry, wet noses or poking paws probing us humans along with joy and amusement at their loving antics?” – Captain Wick
We are so grateful for Captain Wick and his mother. They have had a profound impact on Pope Memorial Humane Society. Their love and dedication to the animals in our care means so much. We cannot them enough.