Thank You to WABI for Covering Our Matched Gift Fundraiser to Help Hurt and Sick Animals
We’d like to say thank you to WABI TV5 and reporter Brian Sullivan (photo below) for covering our new matched gift campaign for the Sherman Medical Fund. This matching gift will go directly to the medical care of local homeless pets in need!
You can watch the full coverage by clicking HERE.
THOMASTON, Maine (WABI) – Last year, a kitten named Sherman was rescued from a fire and cared for at a Midcoast animal shelter.
Now, that shelter is fundraising to make sure they can keep up that work.
A generous donor had pledged to match up to 10-thousand dollars to the Pope Memorial Humane Society’s Sherman Fund.
Sherman came to the shelter in bad shape, but they were able to nurse him back to health.
The shelter in Thomaston kicked off the fundraiser on Valentine’s Day, and it runs through March 14th.
“We are a small town shelter,” said Kasey Bielecki. “We take care of all over 1,000 animals each year, and this potential $20,000 in total will cover over a quarter of our medical bills for the year which is huge for us. It allows us to help that many more animals. Cats, kittens, dogs, rabbits, you name it, we will pretty much help it.”
You can find a link to donate on the humane society’s Facebook page along with more information about Sherman and his buds.
Copyright 2021 WABI. All rights reserved.
Note: you can also donate to the Sherman Medical Fund from our website on our Make a Donation page.
Thank you!